Seeing brings . . . . . clarity.
Families are intensely complex and that complexity leads to real confusion and lack of clarity. The way to cut through that complexity is to find ways to see - to see into, see from above, to see from within. When a family begins to take the time to really look at themselves, and to see with clarity, they find a common basis on which to build. We use assessments, exercises, experiential education and a number of other tools to help families see themselves in new ways. When families see in new ways, they gain clarity that makes the complexity far more manageable.
Talking creates . . . . . collaboration.
Families often don t know how to hold conversations that truly matter. Family conversations can repeat old patterns, go nowhere or even be destructive. Yet getting out of these ruts can happen and often more easily than families imagine. We have cutting edge organizational and psychological approaches, best practices in family dynamics and even ancient traditions that we employ to effectively help families to become "unstuck". Our experience allows families to engage in new ways, find new ways of talking with one another and find paths that foster genuine collaboration.
Creating generates . . . . . coherence.
Families that collaborate begin to create together. Creativity in this case means more than mere planning. It has to do with innovation, learning, and excitement as families begin to find ways to design what they want to accomplish individually and together. We use techniques such as human centered design, strategic intuition, prototyping and other approaches to engage your family in dynamic and exciting processes of problem solving and growth. In the end, this process leads to a deeper sense of coherence - things simply start making sense and people are aligned and ready to move forward.
Acting builds . . . . . commitment.
Families that have created coherence can act in ways that are aligned and deeply engaged. As families begin to develop what they have agreed to create, they find themselves learning and growing together. This action begins to create stronger family foundations and it gives the family new information that can take the see-talk-create-act cycle up a notch. As families gain the insight and skills through their action together, they develop the kind of family identity and culture that fosters success from generation to generation.
An Interactive Look at Our Approach
Our basic approach to engagements is typically based on a process cycle that involves seeing, talking, creating and acting. Families and indivduals that engage in this process see themselves and their situation differently and gain clarity. As they talk, they develop skills of collaboration based on communication and trust. As they create and innovate differently, they generate a kind of inspirational coherence. This coherence allows them to act differently and thereby produce new commitments. Use your mouse on the diagram below to learn more.
Clarity | Collaboration | Coherence | Commitment
Clarity | Collaboration | Coherence | Commitment
Clarity | Collaboration | Coherence | Commitment
Clarity | Collaboration | Coherence | Commitment
Clarity | Collaboration | Coherence | Commitment
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