“Juggling is sometimes called the art of controlling patterns in time and space.”          
                   Roland Graham
                  Our Approach  
Our clients all face significant complexity. In working with these families, we are told that we demonstrate:

A sharp focus on practical outcomes
A deep capacity to listen and develop trust
A real ability to create clarity and coherence
A profound skill at designing family gatherings
A mastery of group facilitation processes
A knack for helping people come to agreement
A willingness to hold people accountable

Bringing these qualities to our client engagements allows us to keep the complexity in front of us while not getting lost in it.  We have an uncommon capacity to bring shared clarity out of complexity in ways that help our clients effectively move forward.  We find that our families find their way quickly to these points of clarity and connection.  We also find that when these points of clarity are reached, the family gains far greater capacity to develop and grow.   This type of success fosters more success.

Uncommon Wisdom

We bring an uncommon wisdom to families.   We see this wisdom as the marriage of theory, practice and authentic compassion.

Being grounded in
theory expands our capacity to understand our clients and helps them see far more detail with greater clarity and understanding.

Integrating theory with
practice allows us to be highly effective - even small interventions make a big difference when you know what you are doing.

Blending theory and practice with
authentic compassion in relationship with real people makes our work come alive to effect real and lasting change.

Consequently, our theatrical foundations are highly integrated with our practice. Managing change by honoring both complexity and simplicity allows us to work with clients with clarity and confidence to realize full potentials while moving through the complex stages of family development. 

Why our approach is different.

Some consultants prey on the need families have to find solutions by offering simplistic processes and products that seem to promise a quick fix but in the end simply fall flat.  These consultants almost always work with one generation and expect the rest of the family to fall in line.  In our experience, that simply doesn't work.

Other consultants are in love with complexity and want their clients to be as intrigued as they are.  These consultants will focus on process to the exclusion of results.   Families already know that they are complex - they need to find a way through that complexity and process alone will not get them there.

Our approach allows us to understand the deep complexity and nuanced relationships, but to find elegant and simple solutions to vexing problems that takes these complexities account.  The end result is deep alignment around common values and rich conversations which allow members to find and appreciate common ground while retaining their sense of self and personal growth.

Technical Notes for those who want to look under the hood....
Developmental Models:

We have a bias towards developmental models.  We have found that the application of clear and focused intervention based in these solid theoretical frames accelerates the potentials for developmental growth in our clients both individually and as families.  By strategic and thoughtful intervention, the difficulties normally presented by the need for transformational change can be negotiated in ways that are faster, easier and more sustainable.
Specific Influences

In most engagements we find ourselves using systems theory, complexity theory, memetics, polarity management, process communication, paradox theories of small groups, stage theories (both organizational and individual), narrative processes, Milan structural theory, and typologies.  While this may all be Greek to the average client, what it means for you is that we are very well-trained and well-read and know how to apply this theory as needed in ways that make a real difference.
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