We believe in the power of uncommon wisdom to empower families.
Einstein famously said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
We believe that what enables transformation in families is a form of uncommon wisdom. This sort of wisdom ups the game and actually allows families to transcend their ordinary way of doing things. When that happens, families accomplish great things.
The wisdom we bring marries deep theory and wide experience with consummate skill and practical compassion.
Understanding is born from exposure to great ideas and the intersection of that thought with the sharper edges of reality. This movement between theory and life allows for increasing capacities to make sense of the world around us and to widen our own repertoire of skills and capabilities.
Skill arises from years of practice and experience. We gain the ability to read situations and then to find the right interventions that will make a difference. Skill brings with it a certain economy. It is doing precisely the right thing at the best possible time. It sometimes involves acting and sometimes evern arises from mere presence.
Compassion is often mistaken for something soft or weak. At its best, it is not. We beleive that authentic compassion seeks the best for others and therefore expects the best from them. Compassion requires not only a kind of empathy, but also a willingness to challenge and engage in ways that might be uncomfortable. It is the underlying kindness and good-will that makes this kind of sharper compassion so powerfully effective.
Our Core Commitments
the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.
17911 218th Ave NE
Woodinville, WA 98077